Recent Commission by the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum in Santa Fe, NM
Although countless artists have been inspired by Georgia O'Keeffe and her genius, there is only one Georgia O'Keeffe. I was deeply humbled when the museum bearing her name in Santa Fe, New Mexico approached me to ask me if I could make a bracelet the artist used to wear. I was shown an image of Georgia O'Keeffe styling a particular sterling silver cuff. This is an image from a book that not even the museum can display because of copyright infringement. The cuff is very classy in its simplicity, yet Georgia O'Keeffe made it look tastefully artistic.
Page 3 of this year's Georgia O'Keeffe Museum Store catalog has my interpretation of this sterling silver cuff. Santa Fe is full of very capable silversmiths, and so I feel absolutely grateful for the trust in my skills and ability to deliver museum quality jewelry, worthy of being associated with such iconic artist.